June’s Top Five Vids

How to change your life in five videos!!

5. What is an Extraordinary Life? Who else are you going to ask?

4. Everything is Energy. So says Deepak!!

3. Clawing For Those Inches. This one gets you right there.

2. Frozen Moment. This goes to show, we really needed a lot of inspiration in the 90’s.

1. The Best of Us. 34 isn’t that old, is it? I mean, I still got a shot, right?

April’s Top Five Vids

5. These two are from a talk show where Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham. I’m probably naive in stating this, but it really looks as though things were so light-hearted and fun back then. Recently, an older and wiser Billy Graham proposed that perhaps there is more than one pathway to God, not just through the Bible. I never thought I’d say this, but I kinda like him.

Part One.

Part Two.

4. Apparently, Oprah is the Host of the Anti-Christ. Never thought I’d state this either, but I kinda like Oprah as well.

3. This goes out to all the men out there who aren’t Italian.

2. Yes, I realise that there isn’t an actual video to this song. But this masterpiece by K’Naan brought back my faith in modern music, and you can’t expect someone who calls himself the “Dusty-Footed Philosophy” to complicate his life with videos, can you? Anyway, sit back, close your eyes and enjoy.

1. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Shane Koyczan.

March’s Top Five Vids

5. This week I’m feeling a might silly. I think it’s due to being over-worked and hyper-caffeinated. Because of my rather daft mood, the top five vids this month are all comedy bits. I’ll start you off with something cute and cuddly and devolve from there.

Simon’s Cat:

4. Chris Rock on Marriage (absolutely no bearing on my own):

3. Here we start to broach the lighter side of more sensitive issues. If you attend mass regularly, you might want to skip to number two.

George Carlin on Religion:

2. Oops. If you attend mass regularly and followed my advice and watched some or all of this video, I do apologize. Not to worry though, I hear God is very forgiving (unless you laughed).

Ali G at a Pro-Choice Rally:

1. Oh my. If you are a Church goer and watched this one, I’m not sure I can help you. In fact, though I’m not very religious, I have a feeling that anyone who even watches, let alone laughs at this is going straight to H – E – double hockey sticks. BAD LANGUAGE!!

Doug Stanhope on MySpace:

February’s Top Five Vids

5. Now, I hadn’t planned on using this this section to promote my political leanings, but I really can’t help this one. I mean, every time I watch Barak Obama, I think, “this guy wasn’t meant for anything else.” And then for a brief moment, I am envious of American politics. Where is our Barak Obama? Since Trudeau we’ve basically a used car salesman, and a series of shrill and flustered Walmart managers.

Will.I.Am’s Yes We Can:

4. Slavoj Zizek is a Slovenian sociologist, philosopher, and cultural critic. I won’t go into much detail the concepts and ideas he asserts. Frankly, I don’t have a grasp on them as of yet. But the following three short vids will give you a taste of what he is about. Even if his ideas are over your head, his mannerisms, nervous ticks, the awkward but compelling cadence of his speech, and his mild misanthropy are fascinating.

Zizek on the evil of love

Zizek on poop

Zizek on coffee without caffeine and sex without sex

3. It’s Jerry Time’s episode of the Karate Date. This is for anyone whose ever been involved with a martial artist.

2. Of course, some poetry. Billy Collins’ The Best Cigarette. This one really gets my back up towards, you armchair health nuts. What? Oh, all of a sudden you’re allergic to cigarette smoke. That’s right, your sooo much healthier in your smoke-free environments. Now you have the lung capacity to eat a whole Big Mac without breathing…!!! Where was I? Oh Yes, Billy Collins.

1. Finally, What is Art?