This Month’s Top Five Vids

5. I am not a fan of American Football. Heck, I don’t watch sports at all, but for Hitler, Jessica Simpson and the Dallas Cowboys, I’ll make an exception.

4. “High As %$^&^”, by fellow Canuck Jon Lajoie. This is pure nostalgia for those of us who have found themselves at 3:00 Am in Mac’s Milk playing the game “They Don’t Know Your Stoned”.

3. Never in my life would I have thought I’d be promoting an American Republican Presidential Candidate. I mean, I disagree with this guy’s views on everything from abortion, universal healthcare to social services, but I just can’t help admire Ron Paul’s unabashed defiance towards his Neo-Con co-runners and the right-wing wackos at Fox News, who are sponsors of the televised debates. This seventy-something Texan actually owes much of his popularity to a slew of young techy fans who’ve been promoting him all over the internet. Watching him up on stage during these debates, his opinions about American foreign policy make him stick out like a sore thumb, the quintessential black sheep. The Neo-Con powers-that-be have even excluded him from one of the Primary debates for his unorthodox views. Check out these short clips watch how everyone, including the “impartial” moderators, try to discredit him.

Props to my new Republican hero.

2. Charles Bukowski’s “The Man with the Beautfuls Eyes”. I couldn’t post a Top Five without a nod to poetry. Especially a vid that’s so visually poignant. Please excuse the subtitles.

1. Mos Def Immortal Technique Eminem, “Tell the truth”. A perfect combo of politics, great lyrics, compelling visuals and a good base line. It’s probably to good, since most of the youth will be watching it instead of getting off the couch and voting for a change of government.