If you do any of these things, you are part of the problem.

3. Hang rubber testicles from the tailgate of your truck.

Imagine the time it takes to drive to the store, enter the store, look for a large rubber scrotum, wait in line, purchase the scrotum, drive home, get out your tool box, read the directions on the package, open the package, take out the scrotum, get down on your knees, make sure you have enough clearance between the bottom of the scrotum and the road, and then attach the rubber scrotum to your tailgate.

This is how some people fill their days. One can only imagine their thoughts when deciding who to vote for in national elections. And don’t kid yourself: Bush got re-elected AFTER Katrina and Abu Ghraib. They vote.

2. Fight in Public.

Ah, there is nothing like taking a leisurely Sunday walk on a warm sunny day, strolling twenty feet behind a couple adoringly punctuating the air with expletives. Every block or so, one will stop, turn towards the other, wave their hands in the air like a tree in a windstorm, and utter, with vein-popping volume, a term of endearment only slightly obscured by an over-abundance of spittle. They continue on this way, and as much as you wish to leave these lovebirds to this mating dance, they magically seem to know your intended route. Trying to slow down won’t help, and by attempting to pass them, you risk getting saliva on your clothing.

I’ve always wondered why these couples to decide to go for a walk together in the first place. Do they think, Well the neighbours have gone out, we need SOMEONE to witness our passion! Or, is it that, in the heat of the moment, when one of them heads for the door, the other says, Wait! We need to scream a little more about this!!

Really though, the worst are those who decide to clear out a crowded bus stop by hollering threats into the receivers of their little cell phones. Invariably, these are young men with bruised egos and plaster casts on their forearms who have decided to relegate a confrontation to a nice, safe distance.

For both the “passionate” couples and the angry young men, these actions are simply the result of poor life choices due to momentary bouts of stupidity, and the delusional idea that uncouth behaviour is justified when one has an audience.

Well, celebrities do this all the time! Well yes, from time to time, Lindsay Lohan has a hissy-fit, but she has the money to spin her trashy behaviour into a bad-girl image. And while your behaviour is trashy, I can only assume by the stained track pants you’re wearing, you don’t have the money for a team of publicists. Of course the biggest difference between you and Lindsay, besides the Hollywood connections and several million dollars, is that Lindsay has a willing audience. Yours is missing the element of willingness, which means that it is not, in fact, an audience, but a scared group of hostages.

My advice? Sulk. Be passive-aggressive. If more people did this, there would be far fewer mouthy dictators and late night talk show hosts in the world.

1. Believe the Earth is six thousand years old.

Unlike what some world leaders would have you believe, the jury is not out, and there is no controversy to teach. Such a belief betrays ignorance so willful – one would have to dismiss so much of what has been discovered in the last 400 years – that believing in a flat Earth would be an easy step to take.

And why not? To accept the idea of a young Earth, one would have to dismiss radio carbon dating, the speed of light (first estimated by Ole Christensen Rømer in the 17th century), and anything seen out of the telescope since Galileo in the 16th century. Discoveries that have ensued from these developments can do nothing but shed light on the true age of the Earth and its environs, which happens to be about 12-13 billion years older. To put the error of this belief into context, it has been said that believing the Earth is six thousand years old (rather than its true age of about 4.5 billion years) is the equivalent to believing the width of the US, from coast to coast, is roughly seven metres.

In light of this, to believe the Earth is flat isn’t such a big step. You’ve already gone so far as to blunt your world-view to the foot or so distance you need to read from your holy doctrines, why not finish the job and commit yourself to the belief that those taking a Carnival Cruise court death by tumbling over the edge of the earth?

Yes I am irritated. I always get irritated when I dwell on this topic. But why shouldn’t I be? Such people – and there are millions of them in North America – pressed by a terror of ambiguity, have forced themselves into a black and white, medieval mindset, and wish the same mindset upon their children and the children of others, with the hopes that more people grow up believing that this planet is nothing but a weigh station (some even refer to it as Hell); a waiting room they can treat as they like while praying for entrance to an eternal theme park.

There is very little advice I can offer here. People must come to terms with their inevitable nothingness on their own. What I can offer is simply to travel to places where your religion or creed is a minority, and to be an omnivorous reader.

Angry New Subway Fines for the TTC

1. $100.00 a person for excessive PDA. Let me get this straight, big spenders: you want to demonstrate your love for one another, so you pay a whole $2.75 a ticket to show your fellow riders how well you can kiss? And don’t pretend that you are so caught up in each others’ pheromones that you aren’t aware of us. Here’s a newsflash: the look on our faces isn’t that of shock or envy, it’s simply how people look when trying to control their gag reflexes.

2. $50.00 for trying to talk to me. I’ve grown weary of others complaining about the unfriendly environment of Toronto. It’s a city of 5 million people. We are here to work, eat, drink overheated coffee and go to the occasionally show. Listen boy-chick, if you want a huggy environment, there are plenty of hippie communes out in Kootenay, BC. I take the subway either early in the morning or during rush hour at night. At these moments I relish my anonymity and I am in no mood to talk or have a sing-song with anyone. So please, get your own copy of the Metro and stop trying to give me your analysis of the latest episode of Mad Men.

3. $150.00 for monster-truck baby strollers. When your stroller beeps when backing up, it’s no longer about the baby. What you have there is both a status symbol and an all-terrain purse that just happens to have a space for a child. This push-powered SUV, which looks as though it needs a team of dogs to pull it around, can barely fit through the front door of your house – you can’t get it up the front steps without help – yet somehow you’ve determined that you can get it through the folding doors of a streetcar, up the stairs no less, and over the guardrail! And oh yes, none of us will mind having to wait an extra ten minutes for you and your Sherpas to squeeze on board because you, my dear, are bearing the most important cargo in the whole world!!

4. $100.00 for being off your meds. Oh lord, why? What is it about me that makes me a beacon for crazy people? I follow the same set of rules on the TTC rides as I do on road trips through Quebec:

1. Keep a low profile.
2. Don’t make eye-contact with anyone.
3. Don’t engage in conversation with strangers.

While these precautions seem to ward off any armchair separatists, they surprisingly don’t fare as well when it comes to the mildly insane, and I still end up attracting some lady who feels the need to continuously buzz around me in circles on the train platform.

5. $100.00 for being a teenager. Just because we’ve all been through the I-am-so-crazy-and-different phase, doesn’t mean we are obliged to tolerate it in others. Yes, once or twice I have tried to impress some girl by doing chin-ups via the overhead handrail, but so what? I say teens should be fined for not coming up with something more original. Oh wow, how OUTRAGEOUS you are, pushing and shoving and giggling like that, and – Oh My God – sitting on the floor of the car! Well actually, that’s just gross. Hey, you know what will really tick off your parents? Keeping quiet and wearing clothes that fit.

October’s Best Videos

5. This is a Japanese comic book waiting to happen. Don’t mess with Cage Fighter Drag Queens.


4. Every time I watch this guy, I experience the unique pleasure of watching someone do what they were born to do.


3. The new message for the answering machine the Maroochydore High School, Australia.


2. Most of my fascination with the Health Care debate in the States comes from the notion that as long as the fight is happening over there, it isn’t happening over here. Anyway, score one for this fiery Democrat.


1. Well played, Mr. Prime Minister, well played…