5. This is a great message on materialism from Bill Maher. And before anyone comments that the message is spurious, if not hypocritical, because Bill is rich, let me pre-empt those people (Jacob!) by saying: How very astute of you to catch that! Here, have a hero cookie! Perhaps if you would have bothered to get off your butt and make a video like this, then I would be posting yours here, and not Bill’s. Merry Christmas everybody!
4. Got this one from Lisa, and am posting it because, though Lord I have tried to get interested in fabric (her passion) I nevertheless feel like I’ve been hit with a rubber mallet every time I walk into Romni Wools. Anyhoo, this has fabric in it, AND I find it fascinating! A first!!
3. This is plain nuts. 20 inches of ice? What does that even mean?
2. Hey, flash mobbers, do something like this and then I’ll be impressed.
1. “Yesterday”, a poignant piece by M.S. Merwin.