Other People’s Poetry

“Marilyn” (excerpt)

by Ooka Makoto

Written shortly after the death of Marilyn Monroe

a mirror that
turns the film backward

The sweep of her eye no
longer reaches the dream’s crystal forest.
In the distance,
where the dim flames of death
carry her bed
will she be met by a
gentle white elephant or
a closed lead window?
Hair softly undulating, she
lies now rigid as a washboard
on a dark mirror in which still
quivers a scalpel.

But no scalpel can reach the soul’s truth.

Other People’s Poetry

from With Silence My Companion

I know how worthless this poem will be
under the scrutiny of daylight
and yet I cannot disown my words.

While others fill their baskets at market
I drink from a cup on the table,
utterly idle.

I see through the trees, by the distant pool,
a white statue
its genitals exposed
It is I.

I am immersed
in the past
and have become a block of dumb stone
and not the Orpheus I hoped to be.

Tanikawa Shuntaro

Translation from the Japanese by William I. Elliot & Kazuo Kawamura

Other People’s Poetry

 Two Meditations


Consider my soul, this texture
harsh to the touch, which is called life.
Notice so many threads wisely joined
together, and the color, dark, noble firm
where read has suffused its splendor.

Think about the Weaver: her patience
in starting again an always
unfinished task.

And hate afterwards, if you can.


Little man, what would you do with your reason?
bind up the world, the mad and furious world?
Castrate the colt called God?

But God breaks out of his tethers
and keeps engineering magnificent creatures,
wild beings whose shrieks
shatter this bell jar.

Rosario Castellanos (1925- 1974)

Translation from Spanish by Julian Pulley

Other People’s Poetry


by David Day


Before Raven there was nothing much
It was quite dark

There was no mountain. There was no earth.
There was no sun or fish. There was
no dog or rainbow. There was no
noisy bird or tree. There
was no wind, stone or
Rain. There was no
people or

It was pretty damn quiet
I’m telling you
I was bored


Then I did something – which
I’m not going to tell

Anyway, after that
Then there are things

Like the ocean, for instance
Like the earth – etcetera, for instance

And still later, there was
You – that is, humans, for instance

I make lots of other mistakes too
But at least I was not bored anymore

Which is better than nothing
As they say
And I think I know nothing
well enough to say
it also



As appeared in David Day’s collection, The Animals Within (Penumbra Press). For more information about the author, please click here.